Friday, October 1, 2010

A nickel for your thoughts

Why is it that most of all the disaster movies and television shows have to start with a airplane crashing or going missing. All of the shows this fall seem to have this happen. For instance, Lost - a plane crashed, this new show No Ordinary Family - a plane crashed, Cast Away - a plane crashed, War of the Worlds - a plane crashed, and The Event - a plane disappears. Why do all shows have to have planes go missing or go down in flames??!! As a person who doesn't like to fly that much, I don't want to watch a movie or show that depicts just that. Why can't a cruise liner disappear?? Or a bus load of marching band members go lost? That would be more interesting to me, and there are many more people to choose from to have a good storyline. Just a thought. Any comments?

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