Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Yesterday morning I took off for Knoxville. I started in Boca around 6am and finally got to Knoxville around 6. It wasn’t too bad of a drive, it was just long and boring all by myself. All I could think of for some random reason was that woman from Houston who drove all the way to Cape Canaveral to stalk an astronaut who was about go up in the space shuttle. Now I don’t know why I was thinking about this, maybe because that’s like a 20 hour drive and she only stopped for gas. Or maybe it was because she was arrested with an adult diaper on so she didn’t need to make any extra stops. Hmm can’t remember why…

One thing that was exciting about the drive was getting passed by someone who had a Quebec license plate. Usually people from there I’m passing left and right. They go 20 miles under the speed limit…from what I’ve seen. So seeing that I was like whoa! Where did you come from? They must have had to go to the bathroom really bad.

Anyway, while I was driving I saw a guy in back of me who had an SUV get cut off by some idiot in a sports car. Well the SUV swerved and was practically in the gravel and the guy in the sports car didn’t even notice he did anything wrong. Well what the guy in the SUV did was flash his high beams at him, in the afternoon. Like what is that going to do? Scare him? I think not. He clearly wasn’t looking in his rear view mirror when he cut him off so what makes him sure he’s looking back after cutting him off. Now flashing your high beams I know people who have done it, I’ve done it once, but really what is that going to do? Nothing, it just shows that you’re mad but you can’t hit them with your car because that’s illegal and you car insurance would go up, so it sucks. Sometimes I wish driving was a real life version of Super Mario Kart so I could use a lightning bolt and smoosh all the cars around me, maybe throw a turtle shell and have the car in front spin out. If only…

And one more thing. Every time on my way up to Knoxville when I stopped at the gas station I always went over the desired amount that I wanted to spend by a penny. 3 times in a row $40.01, $40.01, $40.01. I mean I can get to $39.95, 96, 97, 98, 99 one at a time and then it jumps to 01. I let go of the handle for the same amount of time so I’m not sure why it jumps 2. I think the gas stations have the pumps rigged so they can suck more money out of you. No one wants to stop it on an odd number so of course people are going to pump till at least 10 or 25 cents. The gas companies are getting enough money as is right now so what the hell... But that was annoying.

Anyway I just thought I would write about those things, seeing they probably have happened to most people. But I got to Knoxville safely. I’ve practiced with the team the past couple of days. They’re looking good this year, can’t wait to see them play this weekend. I also took some pictures of the new indoor building so I’ll put them up later today.

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