We all know what it is like to travel..the endless lines at the ticket counter, practically getting molested at the security check point, and the passenger next to you hogging the armrest. Well here is something else that just seems to make me upset when traveling by plane. It starts at your point of origin where you get a small delay. You think no worries I still have 2 hours to catch my connecting flight. Then that small delay turns into an hour delay and you start to sweat thinking you could miss your next flight if delayed any longer. Turns out your good to go. You board the plane, sit next to someone who captures your armrest before you could, or someone who falls asleep snoring while you pray they wake up so you can go to the bathroom. But that is fine because you know that you are going to catch your next flight. Well once you land it all turns to hell because you realize where the plane has just taxied in to. Like myself the other day I found myself at one end of the earth and needed to walk all the way to the other in order to catch my flight. I started literally at the last gate at the end of the terminal where I needed to walk all the way to the other end of the terminal and then some. And while walking I hear over the loud speaker that if you don't check in 20 minutes before the scheduled flight is supposed to leave then they can kick you off the plane. So once I hear this I'm panicking. At this point I'm thinking about jogging (or is it yogging, it could be with a soft j) but I say screw it I would look like an idiot with my big tennis bag. So I get on one of those moving sidewalks. Well one side says walk the other side says stand. But I think people can't read because we have people standing on the walking side, or elderly and their walkers walking on the walk side, people standing on the stand side with their huge pieces of luggage on the walk side so you can't get by. It's just a mess. I was about to scream as I saw myself nearing that 20 minute mark. Tick Tock Tick Tock. So I finally get the end of the terminal where I then needed to go underground in order to get to the smaller terminal. I had to walk underneath the runway where they had flashing lights and sounds to make it seems like a cool tunnel, but it wasn't. I was surprised not to see bodies flailing around on the floor from seizures at the other end of the tunnel the lights were so bad. Once at the end of the tunnel, once my seizures stopped, I made my way up the escalator and to my gate which I walked passed because it was not clearly marked...At this point I'm exhausted and sweating from the journey. Below I've even drawn out a little map to demonstrate the perils that took place in Detroit International Airport.

So that is another reason why I hate traveling. But I did get to Midland safely and that is all that matters...
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